Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashing To Show Your Confident Hands

Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashing to show your confident hands - Lifebuoy celebrates clean and confident hands this Global Handwashing Day to achieve behaviour change in hand hygiene habits

7 Steps Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashing

Do you still remember 7 Steps Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashingFirst of all, let's me remind of 7 Steps Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashing :- 
1. Wet your hands with running water either warm or cold.
2. Apply Lifebuoy soap.
3. Lather well.
4. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds. 
5. Rinse well.
6. Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel or air dryer.
7. If possible, use a towel or your elbow to turn off the faucet.

Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashing To Show Your Confident Hands

In conjunction with the 10th Global Handwashing Day, Unilever Malaysia’s leading health soap Lifebuoy is running its biggest celebration with its ‘#High5forhandwashing’ campaign to encourage handwashing behaviour globally. 

The #High5forhandwashing campaign aims to celebrate clean hands, where members of the public are encouraged to upload a High-5 photo on their social media platforms to raise awareness amongst Malaysians about proper hand hygiene habits. 

Lifebuoy #High5forhandwashing To Show Your Confident Hands

Lifebuoy is committed to teach this lifesaving habit good hygiene habit. Handwashing with soap to five children for every picture uploaded on social media with the hashtag #High5forHandwashing

“Through our High 5 for Handwashing programme, we are targeting to collect 200,000 High5s thereby committing to teach 1 million kids handwashing in 2018,” said Vincent Chong, Marketing Director of Unilever (Malaysia) Holdings Sdn Bhd. 

Lifebuoy has partnered with more than 140 celebrities and key opinion leaders globally to amplify the handwashing messages and more than 5,000 of Lifebuoy’s employees visited schools to mentor children with proper handwashing habits. The campaign has also broken the Guinness World Records for High 5-ing.

Hands are one of the most common mediums to spread germs from one person to another. Most hygiene related health problems are spread through a simple touch. With High 5 for handwashing, Lifebuoy is encouraging people to have the confidence to High 5 and adopt a simple hand washing habit to prevent hygiene related health problems.

Mentor Tangan Bersih bersama Lifebuoy

Since 2015, Lifebuoy as a purpose-led brand have initiated a community program named “Mentor Tangan Bersih bersama Lifebuoy" which encourages hygiene efforts among early childhood advocators in Malaysia to benefit the community. The program involves dedicated teachers, caregivers and mothers with a purpose to foster hygiene habit cultivation in children, as well as to improve children’s adherence to good hand hygiene practice. In partnership with the local state education department, the program has benefited around 150,000 children in 3,063 schools to date, by training them to develop handwashing habit with soap with participation from 5 states including Selangor, Johor, Melaka, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan.

“Behaviour change is fundamental to achieving the goals set out in the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, we have been committed to inspire people to adopt everyday behaviour to improve the health and wellbeing of people. We are targeting to change the hygiene habits of one billion people including parents, school children, caregivers and communities globally by 2020 through the simplest practice of handwashing with soap as one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent hygiene related health problems,” he said.

Parents are important agents of behaviour change in a child, hence it is important that parents demonstrate and reinforce this behaviour at homes, because children learn by observing their elders. In view of this, the idea targets to ingrain the habits of handwashing among children as early as possible to effect a change in deep-rooted hygiene habits. “Inculcating handwashing behaviour at a very young age requires parents or caregivers to set a right example to their children and family members, thereby improving the health and economic well-being of the nation.” he said.

Lifebuoy runs the world’s largest hygiene behaviour change programme and has already reached over 379 million people worldwide since 2010. The campaign is anchored on the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) that emphasizes on creating sustainable living commonplace through behavioural change. The Plan was launched to increase positive social impact arising from Unilever's initiatives while halving the organisation’s environmental impacts. 


About Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to prevent hygiene related health problems. Celebrated annually on October 15, Global Handwashing Day was founded by the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing, and is an opportunity to design, test, and replicate creative ways to encourage people to wash their hands with soap at critical times. Global Handwashing Day is designed to:

· Foster and support a global and local culture of handwashing with soap

· Shine a spotlight on the state of handwashing around the world

· Raise awareness about the benefits of handwashing with soap

About Lifebuoy 

Lifebuoy, the world’s leading health soap was first launched in 1894 to support people in their quest for better personal hygiene. Lifebuoy has been consistently championing health through hygiene throughout its 110 years of history. Lifebuoy's anti-bacterial soap with excellent cleansing properties is suitable for the whole family to keep germs at bay. Today, more than 300 million people worldwide trust Lifebuoy to provide that extra protection against germs for them and their family. 

To learn more about Lifebuoy, including our corporate responsibility initiatives and rich heritage, please visit OR


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  1. suka jugak guna produk lifebuoy , sesuai digunakan untuk seisi keluarga

  2. Bagus ada kempen mcm ni kak. Bagi kesedaran tentang penting nya basuh tangan dengan betul sebab tangan tu yg kita akan guna utk makan semua kan.

  3. Nora suka produk brand lifebuoy ni. Bkn handwash je shower gel pn mmg gune produk ni. Bagus kempen ni, selalu nampak lifebuoy je kerap buat kempen basuh tangan dengan betul. Dekat sekolah pun derang ade bt jugak.

  4. sy suka produk lifebuoy. terbaik sangat !

  5. tq sharing for the tips....kempen bagus utk bdk2 sekolah ni

  6. satu kempen yang bagus dari Lifebuoy. penting kita basuh tangan betul supaya dapat hindari kuman berbahaya

  7. Bagus ada kempen macam nie, Kak Sue kadang ada juga guna sabun mandi Lifebuoy nie..

  8. Suka tengok iklan lifebuoy dekat tv... cuci cuci ... ada guna produk ni.

  9. elok diamalkan cara cucian tangan tu. lifebuoy pula mmg mama suka sgt dgn produk tu

  10. Lifebuoy memang wangi dan best kan kak


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