3 Reasons Why #EveryPalmMatters and We Need Sustainable Palm Oil

3 reasons why #EveryPalmMatters and we need sustainable palm oil - Hi guys, have you ever heard about palm oil? Surely YES. We normally use it for frying, cooking and much more. Have you heard about the #EveryPalmMatters campaign from the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil)? Today, I would like to tell you about palm oil and orangutans!

3 Reasons Why #EveryPalmMatters and We Need Sustainable Palm Oil

3 reasons why #EveryPalmMatters and we need sustainable palm oil

3 Reasons Why #EveryPalmMatters and We Need Sustainable Palm Oil

Palm oil is one of the most widely consumed products on the planet, although huge amounts of people do not know that they are eating it or using it in other ways. Incredibly, palm oil is found in over half of all supermarket products, including food, makeup and cleaning products. It is in food our kids eat every day: pizza, instant noodles, ice cream.

The production of this popular ingredient can have a devastating impact on the environment and destroy the native habitat of animals like orangutans and Sumatran tigers. 

Malaysia produces around a third of the world’s 60 million tonnes of palm oil and palm kernel each year. 

Did you know up to 300 football fields of forest are cleared every hour for palm oil? In Malaysia, the expansion of oil palm plantations has led to virgin rainforests being cut down. This means wildlife habitats have been destroyed and carbon released into the atmosphere which is contributing to global warming and haze. 

I was so shocked to discover the impact that my weekly shop can have on the rainforest that I decided to support the latest campaign from the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil). 

Choosing to buy products made with sustainable palm oil is an important change that we can all make to protect our rainforests and wildlife. Sustainable palm oil is produced according to the strictest environmental standards and is an important source of income for 6 million people around the world. 

However, only 19% of palm oil is currently produced in this way so I want to raise awareness of the products and companies who are doing the right thing and sourcing sustainable palm oil. 

Here are my top 3 reasons why #EveryPalmMatters: 

3 Reasons Why #EveryPalmMatters and We Need Sustainable Palm Oil

1. I want a safer, more sustainable future. By the simple act of choosing sustainable palm oil products when I shop, I am helping to protect rainforests and the habitats of endangered species. 

2. The RSPO is working in partnership with organisations like the WWF and the Orangutan Land Trust to find a sustainable way for wildlife and palm oil production to coexist. 

3. Palm oil supports 4.5 million farmers in Indonesia and Malaysia and is an important route out of poverty. When you buy products made with sustainable palm oil, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want. 

It is almost impossible for most consumers to spend a day without using or eating something that contains palm oil, so let’s make sure our choices have a positive impact!

The #EveryPalmMatters campaign's goal is to raise awareness of sustainable palm oil and empower people to make better choices for the future. By taking part in the campaign, you’re playing an important role in protecting our rainforests and helping us to spread the word and inspire others to take action.

Join me in this campaign! Share a photo of your open palms on Facebook or Instagram, using the hashtag #EveryPalmMatters and tell us why sustainable palm oil matters to you.

Here are companies that use certified sustainable palm oil: 

Kelloggs Pop Tarts 
Magic Pop 
NutroPalm Golden Palm Oil 
Whole Earth 
Crabtree & Evelyn 
Body Shop 

Let's save our planet! For more info, you can follow the campaign on Instagram at www.instagram.com/everypalmmatters


Welcome back , guys !

Thank you for connecting with me. Your comments are much appreciated :)

For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me at nurazlindaazman@gmail.com

  1. Akak guna Loccitane, Body Shop dan Crabtree & Evelyn,memang sumber palm oils..yes agree..we need to support this campaign and create awareness among us..lets spread the words

  2. Jom support kempen nie.. Kak Sue guna Body Shop juga..

  3. Wah kempen yang bagus..jom support

  4. Wah, kempen yg bagus ni. Wajib suport.

  5. Good campaign. Setakat ni ika hanya guna body shop :)


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